
            I thoroughly enjoy writing; however, I prefer narrative writing as opposed to writing a research paper. As a mom of seven children, I enjoy writing about my everyday experiences. Being Italian, I like to tell stories and focus on the details; I believe every Italian has this quality. Therefore, when I write about personal stories, I am more detail oriented and I am able to express my true self through my writing. My mother has always encouraged me to write a book about my life. If only time would allow me that opportunity. In the meantime, I tell my stories to my students. I call them, “Mrs. Murphy’s Chit Chat of the Day.” The stories are true experiences I incur on a daily basis. The stories are usually comical to my students, yet they are not always so entertaining to me since this is ‘my crazy life’ being discussed. Yet I love to laugh and hear others laugh, so it is all in good fun and serves as a form of therapy for me.


            I also like to write about hot topics that interest me. I find it much easier to write about my thoughts and feelings on a given subject, than writing about another author’s viewpoint. I believe that the best way to research a topic is to observe and listen to other people’s thoughts and ideas. The knowledge acquired, helps me to take a stance in my writing realizing the varying perspectives on the topic. I recently had the opportunity to do my own field observation and interviews for a research paper in my American Grammar class. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and I know it helped me grow as a writer.

            Since I am pursuing a degree in the Education field, I like to research information and to talk to people about education. Any insight gained in this area will help me in my career. I love to learn. Through reading, writing, research and first-hand experience, I believe true knowledge is gained. To me, knowledge is the key to successful writing. If I am educated on a topic, I am able to write to my fullest potential. Therefore, if this course afforded me the opportunity to do a research paper on Education, I feel I would be able to enhance my knowledge as a future educator, as well as satisfy the writing requirements for this course.


            According to my fellow co-workers, I am computer savvy. I also believe I am computer literate. Since technology is always being enhanced, I try to keep up to date with the increasing technological advancements. I do have a Facebook, Twitter, as well as a Blog page. Although I have had a Facebook for quite a while, Twitter and blogging are fairly new to me.

            Dr. Teston was an amazing professor who taught me a great deal about utilizing the computer to enhance my writing. Blogging has afforded me the opportunity to publish my “Mrs. Murphy’s Chit Chat of the Day” for my friends and family to enjoy. At the same time I get to experience my passion to write a narrative.

            I would love to learn how to build a website. It has always been of interest to me and I always enjoy learning new things. I would be remiss not to state that I have an associate’s degree in Computer Program, but at the same time I am ashamed to admit this attribute. My degree was earned at a time when computer programming involved punch cards and data entry. Yet through all the computer advancements, I have always kept my enthusiasm for learning about computers. I enjoy working with the hardware as well as the software, something that impresses my family and friends. To me, no feat is too hard to accomplish if you have a strong desire to achieve your goal. 

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