Kenner, R. (Producer, Director) and Scholsser, E. (Producer). (2008). Food, Inc. [DVD]. Magnolia
 Home Entertainment.    

     Food Inc. is a documentary addressing the extreme measures meat companies utilize to cultivate our food. In order to produce mass quantities of meat, farmers, as well as the animals they raise, are being treated inhumanely. Steroids and other drugs are given to the animals enabling them to develop faster and increase the slaughtering process. Since the animals are being raised unnaturally, they are most often diseased. To counter act diseases, companies use chemicals such as ammonia to eliminate the contamination. In turn, unknowing consumers are ingesting the chemicals. Notably, if the animal diseases go untreated or not treated thoroughly, consumers are infected with viruses like e.coli, and salmonella poisoning.  Food Inc. also addresses the production of corn feed. Corn is inexpensive to produce and therefore its mass production reduces cost. Corn feed, aside from steroids, is used as the primary food source for animals. 

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